Friday, June 18, 2010

Strawberries and Bees

Well, we have had an interesting morning, to say the least. I guess last night is partially included as well. I could begin there.

Last night, I was sitting on the floor playing with Nolan, as I do every night after Gabby goes to bed. And he started coughing a little, which I was not to alarmed with (he has a cold)..but then he proceded to throw up. All. Over. Yuck. It was on him, me and the rug. "Oh my poor buddy! Are you ok?! I asked..."(smiles!)" says Nolan. a change of clothes are in order, for him and for me. 10 mintues later, this happens again. Again, followed by a smile. :) It always amazes me how babies can be sick, and then continue to be happy and playful right after. If only us adults could bounce back so quickly. So, we changed clothes again. This continues to happen another time. By now, he is getting a little fussy. Finally, he drifts off to sleep in my arms. "Poor buddy!" I say! "Do you have a belly ache?" (well duh momma! of course he does!)----- So my guesses are, that this "belly ache" came from his dinner. Which was cereal and peaches. His first attempt at peaches. Bad mommy, should not have started that fruit so soon! ...or, perhaps he is just allergic to them. In any case...we will not be having peaches any time soon. The rest of the night went good. He ate this morning with no problems and I brought him to great grandmas with Gabby as usual.

Then, the boys and I headed to the strawberry patch to pick some berries before heading back home to work. As we were there, my phone rings. Its Bryan. Not unusual. "what's up?" I say......"Um. I just got stung by a bee."...... (Side note, Bryan is allergic. He has in the past become ill, gotten light headed and swells up pretty good.) Bryan is also at work alone this morning because his sister is out of town. He thinks he is ok. Will sit down for a bit and call me back.

He calls back. Not feeling well. Chest and arms feel tight, just not feeling right. So he drives himself to his parents house to rest. 30 min later....still not feeling well. (My poor guy!!) So the boys and I leave the strawberry patch and go to check up on him. Still not feeling weel. We ended up going to the ER. No shot, as he was not having difficulty breathing, but they did give him a mild steroid and monitored him for a bit. After about 1 1/2 hours we got to go home. He was given an RX for the steriod and an RX for an Epipen in case he gets stung again and has a more severve reaction. He was also told to not work for the remainder of the day. we are. Back at home. Bryan is stiff, sore and tired. Is laying on the couch snoozing as I write, and I am trying to get some work done. Whew.

Not how I anticipated beginning my weekend. But all is now well! Happy Friday all!

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