
AKA: Gabby; Princess;Peanut; Tudes (as in Gabbitude)

Age: 3

Favorites: Cows, jumping on the trampoline, playing outside, going to daycare, riding on the four wheeler, coloring, playing with her "babies"
Nolan  (she LOVES her baby brother!!)
Reading books, singing (her new favorite songs Happy Birthday).  Playing with her brothers, playing "kitchen".  Coloring!!!
She is such a busy girl!! Playing, playing, playing all day.

Dislikes:  sitting still, when people yell at her

Favorite color: Pink and purple

Favorite foods:  cheese, grapes, grapefruit, pizza, yogurt, fruit snacks, popsicles, noodles of any kind, freezes....ok, she eats just about everything  :)