Monday, June 28, 2010

Goodbye Nukies, Night 3

Success!! I think Gabby has forgotten about her nuks! There has not been one mention of them since Saturday! YEAH! Last night she went to bed without asking for one. She again, didn't want to go to bed....she wanted to stay downstairs and read a book with Daddy. She didn't even want any milk, cuz she knew that meant it was getting time for night night. "I no want milk." she said! I think she is not wanting to go to sleep cuz she knows she doesn't have it, but never asks for it....just tries to put it off.

She went down for her nap this afternoon fine without it too. Again, no asking for it. She did lay up there and talk for a bit, and then cried a little. But was soon off to sleep!!

You did a great job my Princess Angel!! So proud of you!!!! Such big girl behavior!!


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