Sunday, June 27, 2010

Goodbye Nukies, Night 2

As I write this, it has now been about 30 hours since Gabby had her nuk. :)

Saturday night went pretty well. Bed time went excellent! We went about our regular routine with no mention of the nukie. It wasn't until I stood up out of the rocking chair to lay her down that she asked for it. I told her she was fine, and laid her down. Gave her the nightly hug and kiss and left the room. She didn't even cry!! (WOW!)..... When I got back downstairs Bryan asked if I had given her one, cuz she was so quiet. "Nope!" I said!! (So proud of my baby girl!!!)

Gabby did wake in the middle of the night, about the same time Nolan got up to nurse. I let her cry while I fed him and figured she would go back to sleep. Well, she didn't. By the time he was done she was pretty upset, so I went in to rock her a bit. She wanted a drink, and then we rocked and cuddled. No mention of the nuk!!! (YES!) And she went back to bed.

Sunday morning, she woke up and as of this moment (9:53 pm) she has not asked once for her nuk. Not even this afternoon when she got hurt. Normally when she gets hurt, she thinks she needs her nukie...but she didn't even ask!! Nap time didn't go well today, but it was not due to the nuk, it was just because she didn't want to go to sleep! "I no wanna take nap!" she told me. She did end up falling asleep with me in the rocker. But there was no asking for the nuk then either.

I have to say, I am quiet amazed it has gone this well. I was prepared for a much bigger battle. I'm very glad, proud, and happy that she is doing this well! I think I'm almost comfortable enough to throw them all away! :)

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