Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweetness

My little Nolie Boy! I cannot believe you are already 1 year old! This year went by just way to quickly! As of today, I officially no longer have any "babies". It's a little bittersweet :)

One year ago at this moment....daddy and I were at the hospital ready to welcome you. It was a cold morning, just like this, and we were anticipating a nasty snow storm. You made it in time for the storm! (Good boy!) You were born at 6:21am. The moment I held you I knew you were full of nothing but sweetness.

You have grown quickly this past year and learned so many wonderful new things. Your newest big accomplishment....WALKING! Yup!...You did it! You learned to walk before your first birthday! Yes, you still stumble and fall. But You are doing so great and picked it up so fast! You can now stop in the middle of the room and change direction when you want to. You choose walking more often then crawling. It won't be long now until you are running all around the house. Gotta keep up with that silly Sister of yours!

You are also starting to say some words (or so we think). We have heard you say Hi and Mama. You still also like to scream. You and sister love that game! At least I know you have healthy lungs!

I thank God everyday for my four beautiful healthy children, and I am SO glad he sent us you to join our family. You really are the perfect addition and we all love you SO much!

Happy FIRST Birthday my sweetness!
Love you so much,
xoxo mommy

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