Monday, November 29, 2010

Catching up.

So, in case you haven't noticed, I've been a little behind. Busy Busy around here.
Let me fill you in:
Colds for the kids
Deer Hunting
Scrapbooking weekend for me! (YAY!)
Cold for Mom
Nolan turned 11 months (pictures below)
Date weekend (Friday: Kody, Saturday: Bryan, Sunday: Jake)
Kody's B-day


Collection of pictures below. I also got a new camera, (finally) hopefully now I can get back on track!

Nolan: 11 months
This past month Nolan has mastered his skills at SCREAMING. As loud as he can. This is most common during breakfast/lunch/dinner when he wants more food. I am trying to teach him to say "more" or "ma-ma" instead of screaming. (our ears hurt)
He is also learning to walk. He started with just a few steps here and there, but this past weekend I find him trying to walk almost as much as he crawls. He can get about 5-6 steps in before falling down onto his knees. He is also trying to stand back up in the middle of the room when he falls down. Fully walking by his b-day??....Guess we will see!

Gabby and Nolan LOVE playing with the computer. What is so facisnating about a computer keyboard? Nolan is super excited that he is now tall enough to reach all the keys!

Gabby:....Potty training. We are working on it. I'm not pushing it, we just let her go whenever she feels like it. But she has been doing great. I think if we pushed it a little more, she would probably be fairly easy to train. We'll see. However...she is still crazy as ever and such a riot! Coming up with the funniest things to say!

Jake: Has been busy playing Legos and the Wii. Busy playing with Gabby and Nolan and making them laugh! He is good at that!

Kody: Just turned 13 and is enjoying his new Ipod Touch. However....we do not have WiFi at our house, so he cannot use the internet functions on it at this point. Hmmm...trying to figure that out. He also has Snowmobile Safety training this weekend and is looking forward to that. (and wanting more snow)

Me and Bryan:....well, same old stuff for us. Work and busy with the 4 kids. Getting ready for X-mas.

Yes, that is toilet paper. Nolan is obsessed with it.

This was supposed to be one of Gabby's Christmas presents. It went something like this:

G: ooohhhh, mommy! I have this?! (she found it in my closet)
M: Oh, no Gab. Lets just put that back ok.
G: {whimper} Mommy, I have this, please??
M: (total sucker)...sigh...ok.
Needless to say, her and Nolan LOVE it! :)

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