Friday, November 26, 2010

A Teenager in the house!

Wow! I can't believe it! Kody, you are 13 years old today! You might think you are still young....but to me, you are getting to old! You are offically a "teenager" today. I have to admit, that is a little scary. However, I am glad that my first teenager is a boy, and not a girl :)

It seems only a short while ago you were my little buddy, going with me everywhere, asking me to play toys with you. Boy does the time go fast! In some ways you still are my "buddy" still offer to come with me to the store or run errands with me. But, you no longer ask me to play toys! (haa)

You have been such a big help to me since Gabby and Nolan have been born. You are always willing to help me when I ask (but not always when Dad asks) and even offer to help with the little kids even without me asking. You don't know how much of a help this is for me! I am so greatful for having a sweet, loving son like you!

You have grown into such a wonderful kid. (sorry, teenager) I am so proud of you! I know you sometimes struggle with your school work, but I am proud to see you trying your best and putting your effort into it. It WILL pay off in the end. I promise. When you are an will see :)

Happy Birthday Kody! I love you very much!
xoxo Mom

P.S. I hope you like your present, it was a lot of work for me to get it!

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