Thursday, September 9, 2010

Trantrum Thursday

Well...she's two, what else can I say :)
Gabby had herself a little trantrum this morning. Decided she didn't want to put on her diaper, get dressed or do anything. Kept telling me she had to "go potty" but would not sit on the potty either. FINALLY...after a lot of crying, yelling, running and tears,(and that was just mom....j/k) she let me put on her diaper. Then I tried putting on her pants... "I dont WANNA wear Jeans!"....oh......k.......
"Do you want to pick out something else?" I ask. {sniff} "Ya." she says.

So...she ended up with a dress, which was fine. And then she decided she had to put on pants too. OK. Fine...whatever makes you happy, we just need to get out of the house. And THEN...she saw the Dora Underwear. "I WANNA wear DOOORA!".....O. K.
So off came the pants, on went the Dora undies (over her diaper) and then she had to put the pants back on. Whew.

Then she was fine. Like nothing even happened. :)

Here are a few pic's of us FINALLY getting in the car.

I'm good, see Mommy :)

Yes you are, and cute too!

Fruit Snacks to tide us over til daycare! (don't judge, you know you've done it too!)

....and orangey juicy

See! I'm fine. No problems at all! (notice the hair....apparently when you are two you no longer want mommy to do your hair)

And this is what mom looked like by the time we left :)

FINALLY on the road (don't worry, I wasn't driving while I took this)

Here is Gabby in the background:
Mom...where Kody? - at school
Where Jakey? --on the bus remember
Where Daddy? --at work
Where Collin? --at daycare
Where Will?--- at daycare
Where Ted? Where Mikey? Where Amber? Where Mickie? (vickie)
Where Chad? Where Morgan? Where Tiffy? Where Erica? Where Grandma? Where Joshy? Where Katie?..............
Do you get the jist? ......This girl is sooo worried about EVERYONE!
I didn't realize how many people we knew until Gabby started worrying about them all! :)

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