Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall fun!

It might not officially be fall yet, but it sure felt like it on Saturday morning! Colten was over for the day while Bryan and Katie helped haul the camper to the new campsite. So... I put hats on all the kids and went outside to play!

Jake, Cole and Gabby were busy playing in the trees. Jake did some climbing while Cole and Gabby hid in the weeping willow. They thought they were pretty tricky hiding on me! Gabby tried out Colten's big bike, and then did some playing with Nolan.

She didn't want to keep her hat on, and then she thought it would be super funny to take Nolan's hat and take off running. She went all the way around the house! Goofy girl! The more I told her to come back, the faster she ran!

I got some great shots of Nolan, playing out on the sidewalk. Then...the fresh air must have done him in, because he fell alseep while swinging with Gabby!

What a fun fall day! :)

Me & Nolan, watching the kids!
(Isn't he so cute with his hat on!)

Jake in the pine tree.



Jake....the leader.

Big Bike

Cole with a sword.

Wee! This is fun!

I got Nolies Hat!

Cole trying to rescue the hat.

Just sitting.

See ya mom!

I'm so cute!

Coming to get you!

Starting to wear down :)

My fav picture! So cute!

All tuckered out!

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