Monday, September 27, 2010

Just Playin!

We finally had a nice relaxing weekend with no plans. Ahhhhh. So nice.
I even had a 3 day weekend as I had Friday off. We didn't have any daycare, so I stayed home with the littles. We had a nice fun day playing!

Nolan had his first ride in the Cozy Coupe this weekend. Gabby was off on a wheeler ride with Daddy, so he actually got to sit in it! So fun! Thanks for pushing me around Jakey!

Gabby had some quiet play time with her big brother Jakey....they played Legos. She said, "Jakey, you play Legos with me?"...and he said yes! Finally! She has been trying to get Jake to allow her to play for months! Thanks Jake! So fun!

Nolan was also busy pushing things around the house. I have a few shots of him with the walker, but his favorite of the weekend was the rubbermaid tub I brought up with the Halloween decorations. (Oh yea, we put those up too!)

And how perfect was the weather yesterday! So nice! We had a nice day at home hanging out. Gabby helped Daddy drive the Bobcat and haul some logs to cut up for the winter. Then we made a trip to Gander Mtn. to get ready for duck hunting next weekend!

Have a good week everyone! :)

Playin Legos with Jakey. Yes...we are still in our jammies.

Look at this big boy! Getting good buddy!

Gabby and Nolan playing under the table! They thought they were so funny hiding from us under there!

Come here Nolie! I will help you out from under that chair!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall fun!

It might not officially be fall yet, but it sure felt like it on Saturday morning! Colten was over for the day while Bryan and Katie helped haul the camper to the new campsite. So... I put hats on all the kids and went outside to play!

Jake, Cole and Gabby were busy playing in the trees. Jake did some climbing while Cole and Gabby hid in the weeping willow. They thought they were pretty tricky hiding on me! Gabby tried out Colten's big bike, and then did some playing with Nolan.

She didn't want to keep her hat on, and then she thought it would be super funny to take Nolan's hat and take off running. She went all the way around the house! Goofy girl! The more I told her to come back, the faster she ran!

I got some great shots of Nolan, playing out on the sidewalk. Then...the fresh air must have done him in, because he fell alseep while swinging with Gabby!

What a fun fall day! :)

Me & Nolan, watching the kids!
(Isn't he so cute with his hat on!)

Jake in the pine tree.



Jake....the leader.

Big Bike

Cole with a sword.

Wee! This is fun!

I got Nolies Hat!

Cole trying to rescue the hat.

Just sitting.

See ya mom!

I'm so cute!

Coming to get you!

Starting to wear down :)

My fav picture! So cute!

All tuckered out!

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's so fun being 9 months!

Nolan Bryan

My sweet bubba! You are getting so big, so fast! {to fast} You are now nine months old! I was just thinking, you are now as old in months as you were months in my belly :) Oh how time flys!

At 9 Months:
* you weigh 19 pounds 13.5 ounces
* you are 29 1/4 inches tall

Kody: (record at 10 months) 20.4 lbs, 30 inches
Jakob: 21.2 lbs, 30 1/2 inches
Gabriella: 20.14 lbs, 29 1/4 inches

-- So Nolan is the least heavy, Jakob was the most. (not surprised!) Gabby and Nolan were the exact same height...which is weird because Bryan and I both thought Nolan was short. Maybe he is just proportioned differently, and thus appears shorter. Hmmm...always fun to compare.

* You are standing on furniture and toys and on occasion will let go or try to move from one object to another.
* You learned how to scream (that may have carried over from last month)
* You learned how to shake your head "No-No". (VERY cute by the way!)
* You have started "fighting" going to sleep. But usually sleep from around 9pm-6:30am with 2 wakings in-between. While you are teething you get up more frequently for cuddles. Mommy doesn't mind these wakings as I know you will soon be grown and won't need mommy at night.
* You have 6 teeth (# 6 just popped!)4 on top and 2 on bottom.
* You {LOVE} to eat. You are now eating finger foods and love to feed yourself. Some of your favorites are: Puffs (fruit or veggie), Yogurt Melts (see photo story below), Cheerios, Cheez-it minis, and the newest...Chicken Noodle 'O soup.
* You like when people get down on your level and play.
* You still love your sissy, even though she can be mean.
* You love your brothers, your daddy and mommy! And are just starting to be shy to strangers. You also love Kimmy and all your friends at daycare :)

We all love you too Nolie! You are so full of sweetness and love!

I am SO funny! Somehow I got into this bag of yogurt melts (I think a certain 2 year old left this on the floor)...I then managed to get the package open and dump the melts all over myself and the floor! OH YUM!!! Check out all these snacks! You were so proud of yourself, so I did let you eat some while we took pictures and cleaned up the mess! Usually you only get a few at a time, so to see a huge pile all at neat!


This is how overtired nine month olds who have not had a nap fall asleep. After 45 minutes of fighting with me, I finally got him to relax and fall asleep paying on OUR bed. Apparently it's really comfy. Although Bryan and I both think we need a new one.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Trantrum Thursday

Well...she's two, what else can I say :)
Gabby had herself a little trantrum this morning. Decided she didn't want to put on her diaper, get dressed or do anything. Kept telling me she had to "go potty" but would not sit on the potty either. FINALLY...after a lot of crying, yelling, running and tears,(and that was just mom....j/k) she let me put on her diaper. Then I tried putting on her pants... "I dont WANNA wear Jeans!"....oh......k.......
"Do you want to pick out something else?" I ask. {sniff} "Ya." she says.

So...she ended up with a dress, which was fine. And then she decided she had to put on pants too. OK. Fine...whatever makes you happy, we just need to get out of the house. And THEN...she saw the Dora Underwear. "I WANNA wear DOOORA!".....O. K.
So off came the pants, on went the Dora undies (over her diaper) and then she had to put the pants back on. Whew.

Then she was fine. Like nothing even happened. :)

Here are a few pic's of us FINALLY getting in the car.

I'm good, see Mommy :)

Yes you are, and cute too!

Fruit Snacks to tide us over til daycare! (don't judge, you know you've done it too!)

....and orangey juicy

See! I'm fine. No problems at all! (notice the hair....apparently when you are two you no longer want mommy to do your hair)

And this is what mom looked like by the time we left :)

FINALLY on the road (don't worry, I wasn't driving while I took this)

Here is Gabby in the background:
Mom...where Kody? - at school
Where Jakey? --on the bus remember
Where Daddy? --at work
Where Collin? --at daycare
Where Will?--- at daycare
Where Ted? Where Mikey? Where Amber? Where Mickie? (vickie)
Where Chad? Where Morgan? Where Tiffy? Where Erica? Where Grandma? Where Joshy? Where Katie?..............
Do you get the jist? ......This girl is sooo worried about EVERYONE!
I didn't realize how many people we knew until Gabby started worrying about them all! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

We Love Fall! this weather! My favorite time of year! I wonder if that is because I was born in the fall? ...hmm.... anyway! I love "jeans and sweatshirt" weather! And I love it for the kids too, cuz they look so darn cute and cuddly! don't you just want to pick them up and cuddle?! I do! As Gabby would say, "Mom, I wear a wetshirt?"

Part of the reason we have this beautiful, cool weather today is because of the 3 minute {storm} we had yesterday evening. It literally lasted for about 3 minutes. It was super windy, and the rain came down horizontally. Then it was done and the sun came out, leaving this beautiful rainbow. It was actually a double rainbow (2 side by side)..but I don't think the picture captured that. It also cooled the air by about 10-15 degrees :)

And what is a rain shower without a little splashing in the puddles? I got a few pictures of Gabby slashing around, but then went in the house with Nolan. Gabby stayed outside with her big brothers. By the time they came in she was soaked from waist to feet! Her shorts and legs were cold and wet! But she had a blast!! So fun!

Uncle Chad asked Kody if he would like to go for a ride on his motorcycle. Of course, Kody said yes! He has wanted to do that for awhile. Tiffanys b-day party over the weekend, Chad and Kody went for a ride! Kody had a blast! Thanks Chad!!

See ya!