Wednesday, August 4, 2010

To my Sweet Angel Gabriella:

Happy Birthday my sweet princess! Oh how mommy loves you!!

Two years ago today we welcomed you to our family! Mommy, Daddy and your big brothers were so happy and excited to meet you! Finally, a little princess for us all to love!! Mommy feels so blessed and thanks God everyday for picking me to be your mommy! (and mommy to my sweet boys: Kody, Jakey and Nolie)

You have turned into such a beautiful little girl and I don't think you could be any more perfect! Not to long ago a friend told me: "You better watch out! She is going to break a lot of hearts!"...... "Thats Ok," I said. "As long as her heart isn't the one that gets broken."

You have learned so much in this past year, mommy is so proud of you! You continue to learn more and more each day! I'm constantly telling you, "Great talking!" "Good job!" Here is a list of some things you learned/accomplished this past year:

-Walking, running and then jumping! Boy do you love to jump! You can even jump on the trampoline now!
-Talking and singing. You have learned so many new words this year! There were some you knew before you turned one, but from have expanded your vocabulary so much! You still surprise me each day with new words you have learned. Keep up the great work!!
-Feeding yourself with sliverware. You pretty much need a fork or spoon with all meals. You even get a spoon when you eat fruit snacks and apples!
-Love. You welcomed your baby brother with such love and patience. Mommy was a little worried about how you would react, but you have been so good with him from the first day you met him! You love him with all your heart, and he you!!

You also started daycare for the first time this year. (you and Nolan). I think this was harder on mommy at first than you, as you had never been left with anyone other than a relative. has turned out great! Kim is great and loves you and Nolan already, and you both love being there as well!

You have grown up so much since your 1st birthday. We sometimes look at your 1 year picture together and talk about how much you have grown. I'm proud and happy to see you are turning out so well, but sad to see you are growing up so fast!

Thank you for always being my sweet angel and for helping mommy with Nolan. You are such a GREAT big sister. Nolan loves having "two" mommies!

I hope you have a super fun day!

Mommy loves you so so much!

Love, Mommy :)

Gabby: 2 months

Gabby: just about 2 :)

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