Friday, August 20, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Well, its time, Gabby has moved to a "Big Girl" bed.
She learned how to climb out of the crib, and even after we moved it to the lowest setting, she could still climb out. As soon as I put her in at night/naps, out she went! And this girl doesn't just {climb} out, she launches herself out! Slightly dangerous we think! came the front side of the crib, and on went the toddler bed rail.

She thought it was a pretty cool bed.......until bed time.

We went about our routine as normal, but when I laid her down, she was NOT a happy camper. "You lay down and go sleepy. Good night, Love you"

Before I was even out the door, she was across the room and to the door. (on a sprained ankle no less--I'll explain in a minute)

We shut her in the room and she fussed and cried for about 30 minutes before falling asleep on the floor.

The second night she only cried for 10 minutes, and then fell asleep on the floor.

The third night she only cried for about 30 seconds, and stayed ON the bed!! YAY!! Awesome job big girl!!

Ok--- the ankle. On Tuesday evening, Gabby slipped on the stairs while walking down them and hurt her ankle. There was no swelling, no bruising, no indication of anything. But when it came to walking or standing on it....she would cry, say ouch and sit right down. I ended up taking her to the doctor on Wednesday and she was diagnosed with having a sprain. We have since been "ignoring" the fact that anything happened in the hopes that she will just walk on it. I don't doubt for a second that it hurts, but I keep hoping she will figure out a way to walk while favoring that one side. Nope. Still no walking or standing on it. (as of Friday)..... she won't even try. Little stinker. She crawls around the house with Nolan and asks us to carry her when needed. Maybe tomorrow?! This momma sure hopes so! Its hard working carrying around two kids! :)

Big Girl Bed!!

See all my Cows?! I have 1 more, but he is at daycare with me!

This is where she fell asleep for her nap. At least she is on a blanket!
Notice how quickly the room went from neat, to messy? Typical Gabby!

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