Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer Fun

4 days. School starts in 4 days. Can you believe it? Me either.
This summer FLEW by! Seems like it was just a few days ago the boys were getting done with school. Part of me is looking forward to it; (going back) gives the boys something to do. Keeps them busy, and they get to see their friends again. But part of me is dreading it. Back to school means back to homework. For boys and for mom. (urgh).... Back to super busy nights. Another aspect added into our already busy lives.

I think we are ready though.

Kody will be in 7th grade this year, which I've heard is a LOT of homework. Hmmm.... good thing he has two study halls this year!

Jake is in 3rd grade and we found out at Open House last night that he will be having daily math homework and 20 minutes of expected reading each night.

I'm already planning my new "school year" routine. :)

On a side note--- I figured it all out and when Nolan starts kindergarten, Kody will be a senior in High School. Gulp.

Well....with back to school, comes end of summer. So....thought I would post some pictures of our summer activites that never made it to the blog before now.

Here's wishing you all a great end of summer, and a good "Back to school!"

Random Rubin Summer

My friend Will came over to ride 4 wheelers with me!
Next year I am going to get a big one too! So fun!

Haircuts for my 3 boys! Getting ready for back to school!
Check out Jakes "R".
This stands for RUBIN Katie...not that other word! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Well, its time, Gabby has moved to a "Big Girl" bed.
She learned how to climb out of the crib, and even after we moved it to the lowest setting, she could still climb out. As soon as I put her in at night/naps, out she went! And this girl doesn't just {climb} out, she launches herself out! Slightly dangerous we think! came the front side of the crib, and on went the toddler bed rail.

She thought it was a pretty cool bed.......until bed time.

We went about our routine as normal, but when I laid her down, she was NOT a happy camper. "You lay down and go sleepy. Good night, Love you"

Before I was even out the door, she was across the room and to the door. (on a sprained ankle no less--I'll explain in a minute)

We shut her in the room and she fussed and cried for about 30 minutes before falling asleep on the floor.

The second night she only cried for 10 minutes, and then fell asleep on the floor.

The third night she only cried for about 30 seconds, and stayed ON the bed!! YAY!! Awesome job big girl!!

Ok--- the ankle. On Tuesday evening, Gabby slipped on the stairs while walking down them and hurt her ankle. There was no swelling, no bruising, no indication of anything. But when it came to walking or standing on it....she would cry, say ouch and sit right down. I ended up taking her to the doctor on Wednesday and she was diagnosed with having a sprain. We have since been "ignoring" the fact that anything happened in the hopes that she will just walk on it. I don't doubt for a second that it hurts, but I keep hoping she will figure out a way to walk while favoring that one side. Nope. Still no walking or standing on it. (as of Friday)..... she won't even try. Little stinker. She crawls around the house with Nolan and asks us to carry her when needed. Maybe tomorrow?! This momma sure hopes so! Its hard working carrying around two kids! :)

Big Girl Bed!!

See all my Cows?! I have 1 more, but he is at daycare with me!

This is where she fell asleep for her nap. At least she is on a blanket!
Notice how quickly the room went from neat, to messy? Typical Gabby!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Nolan: 8 months, a new tooth and stairs

Our little buddy is now 8 months old! He has learned so much this past month! He is now crawling ALL OVER the place! He has gotten very quick and loves going all around the house. His favorite place to go: The look out the window :)

He has also learned how to pull himself up on furniture and toys. First, just to his knees, but now already onto his feet!!

He also learned how to climb stairs!! Little stinker! You are not supposed to be doing that already! Looks like it may be time for the gates! :)

When Daddy went to get you up from your nap on Saturday, you were standing in your crib, leaning over the rail! (OOPS!!)...... Down goes the mattress!!

Nolan also has gotten his 3rd tooth, the first one on top. He looks so silly and cute with that one little tooth up there!

At 8 months
*You are wearing size 6-9 months
*You are wearing size 3 diapers
*You have 3 teeth and chew on EVERYTHING!
*You crawl like a pro!
*You love your sister and brothers. They are soo fun to watch and make you laugh all the time!
*You are still strictly on breast milk, still nursing and taking bottles at daycare.
*You love to eat! It took you a long time to start eating solids, but now that you do, you eat so well.
*You go to bed at 9:00 and wake around 6:30-7 am. With 2 feedings during that time.
*You love to be outside, sitting in the stoller or swing and watching your siblings.
*You are always quick to smile and love attention.
*You are starting to be a mommy's boy, and cry when I walk out of the room. (even if daddy and your brothers/sister are there with you) :)

You are getting so big, so fast! Soon, we won't have a "baby" anymore!
Love you!
Love, Mommy :)

PS: In other news, Gabby went potty on the potty chair for the first time last week :) (YAY!) and then learned how to climb out of her crib over the weekend! (BOO!)
We dropped her mattress down to the lowest level, and hoping that will keep her in for a few more months :)

8 months!!

Coming to get your camera mom! this....


What mom? I'm not doing anything.

Let's try one more. Bet I can do it.

Sitting by the door! My fav!!

In my highchair with my feet kicked up. So relaxing!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


10 years ago today I married my best friend.
It has been a good 10 years. We have both grown alot, accomplished alot and we have alot to show for our 10 years of marriage. Mainly.....a wonderful family that we created together with our four beautiful children! We are consistently surrounded by our wonderful families and friends and our lives are full of love.
I want to take this day to say THANK YOU:
*to my husband, for being you and loving me so fully
*to my kids, for being you and being my super sweet wonderful babies
*to our families, for always being there for us and teaching us to love
*to our friends, also for always being there for us and bringing humor, joy and fun to our lives!

Happy Anniversary Bryan. I love you!

-Here are a few {blurry} pictures from our wedding album. :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Birthday Blast!

Gabbys b-day party was this past Saturday! She had a great time! The party was fun, and she got some great gifts! The cow cake turned out great, and Gabby loved it! She would not take a picture with it though! When I sat her down by it, she got upset and put her head down on the table. (I think its just because there were alot of people around and she was being shy! Should have done it before the party!)....oh well! I got a few pic's of her "blowing" out the candles anyway. Thank you everyone for coming to help us celebrate! We had a great day!

Gifts received on your 2nd birthday:
Dora Guitar from your brothers
Dora Bike from mommy & daddy

Little People Camping Kit and outfit from the Johnson's

Littlest PetShop and outfits from Papa & Grandma

Outfits and hair klippies from Great Grandma

An animal puzzle and Cube puzzle from Grandma (Nan)

A Cow Pillowpet from the Bauers (so cute!!)

Dora Dishes and silverware set & a book from the Whites

A big ball & Dress-up costume from the Likes'

Scooter and an outfit from the Litschke's

Tag Junior, a book and a shovel from the McGuires