We opened presents from Mom and Dad on Christmas Eve during the day. Then, I spent about 2 hours assembling them all!! Sheesh!!! That evening we went to Bryans parents for dinner and gifts with his family. The kids all had fun opening gifts and seeing what each other got.
Christmas Day Bryan took the kids to his side of the family for celebrating. I stayed home in bed, and Jakey stayed to keep me company. I pretty much slept the whole time and he played video games :)
Wishing Everyone a Happy Safe New Year!!
xoxo The Rubins
Before: (are my kids spolied or what!)

After: Disaster

Kody got a PSP (Playstation Portable video game)

Jakob got a Nintendo DSi XL

Gabby got a Little Mommy and Me play set (kitchen, bath and crib for her doll)

Nolan got the Fisher Price Little People Stand and Play Rampway

Shhh....Kody didn't even hear Santa sneak in! ;)

Look! Santa Came!!

Gabby and Daddy

The boys, enjoying their new video games :)