Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Presents!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! We had a great Christmas Eve at our house...but Christmas day I spent the day in bed. :( I had some kind of virus that affected my inner ear and made me dizzy and nauseous. Not fun!! I was pretty much out for the whole weekend, and Monday too. (which was my day off from work) Total bummer! But...on a good note, the kids all got what they wanted and had fun playing with all there new toys.

We opened presents from Mom and Dad on Christmas Eve during the day. Then, I spent about 2 hours assembling them all!! Sheesh!!! That evening we went to Bryans parents for dinner and gifts with his family. The kids all had fun opening gifts and seeing what each other got.

Christmas Day Bryan took the kids to his side of the family for celebrating. I stayed home in bed, and Jakey stayed to keep me company. I pretty much slept the whole time and he played video games :)

Wishing Everyone a Happy Safe New Year!!

xoxo The Rubins

Before: (are my kids spolied or what!)

After: Disaster

Kody got a PSP (Playstation Portable video game)

Jakob got a Nintendo DSi XL

Gabby got a Little Mommy and Me play set (kitchen, bath and crib for her doll)

Nolan got the Fisher Price Little People Stand and Play Rampway

Shhh....Kody didn't even hear Santa sneak in! ;)

Look! Santa Came!!

Gabby and Daddy

The boys, enjoying their new video games :)

Monday, December 20, 2010


Gabby is a greaseball!
Sunday at nap time, (or should I say "non-nap-time") Gabby decided she was going to play with the vaseline and lotion. (my sisters will understand how funny this is) I went to check on them and Gabby was finally asleep...but her hair looked all wet. What the heck? I thought to myself. Then I looked at Nolan (who was awake)...his hair was wet too. Oh no! .... I soon discovered that it was vaseline and lotion. It was also on the play tent, her doll and the window. Great.

I am offically done trying to get her to take a nap.

After 3 hair washes, she is still all greasy! Yuck! Nolan's wasn't as bad and he only needed one hair wash. Last night, in the bath I told her she was a "Greaseball"
"YEAH!" She said "I a geeseball!"
Me: "haahaa! You are such a riot!"
Gab: "Yeah! I'm a ride it! Nolie! I ride it!"
LOL-- what a crack up!

Sadly, I do not have pictures of the greaseball. But I do have video of some naptime jumpers! Enjoy!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Nolan got a Police Cycle Rocker for his b-day! He sure likes it!
I had it all ready for him when he got home from daycare....
When he saw it he got a big grin on his face and looked at me as if to ask
if it was his! :)

When I put him on, he looked at me again, as if asking if it was ok...and then started rocking away! Good job buddy!!

Then....once sister saw it, she of course thought it was her's. She did however say over and over that it was "Nolie Birthday" as she rode it. But she didn't want to let him ride it again. Silly sister!

Oh...and stats: Nolan weighs 21 lbs 7 oz. (I swear she said 21.7, but she wrote 26.7 on the sheet...I'm pretty sure he is not 26)..... And is 29 3/4 in tall. That makes him the lightest and shortest at this age. The other kids were 22-24 lbs and 31-33.5 inches.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweetness

My little Nolie Boy! I cannot believe you are already 1 year old! This year went by just way to quickly! As of today, I officially no longer have any "babies". It's a little bittersweet :)

One year ago at this moment....daddy and I were at the hospital ready to welcome you. It was a cold morning, just like this, and we were anticipating a nasty snow storm. You made it in time for the storm! (Good boy!) You were born at 6:21am. The moment I held you I knew you were full of nothing but sweetness.

You have grown quickly this past year and learned so many wonderful new things. Your newest big accomplishment....WALKING! Yup!...You did it! You learned to walk before your first birthday! Yes, you still stumble and fall. But You are doing so great and picked it up so fast! You can now stop in the middle of the room and change direction when you want to. You choose walking more often then crawling. It won't be long now until you are running all around the house. Gotta keep up with that silly Sister of yours!

You are also starting to say some words (or so we think). We have heard you say Hi and Mama. You still also like to scream. You and sister love that game! At least I know you have healthy lungs!

I thank God everyday for my four beautiful healthy children, and I am SO glad he sent us you to join our family. You really are the perfect addition and we all love you SO much!

Happy FIRST Birthday my sweetness!
Love you so much,
xoxo mommy