Thursday, July 15, 2010


Our little Nolie is turning into quite the funny little guy! The other night he worked his way all the way across the living room, managed to get Gabby's baby doll play gym wrapped around himself and dumped out a bucket full of blocks. When I peaked around the corner at him, he gave me his big silly smile! A little while later, he managed to work his way up onto the Wii board, and got himself sitting on it just right! Funny boy, guess he wanted to play too!

He and Daddy also have a new game....."Tah-Dah!!"
Nolan usually spends dinner time sitting in the Bumbo chair on the counter. He likes to be by us all. For whatever reason, a few nights ago Daddy started saying "Tah-Dah!!", and every time he said it, Nolan tips his head back, arches his back, and leans as far back in the chair as possible. Then he sits back down, grins and looks back to Daddy. "Tah-Dah!!" Daddy says again....again he goes back! This countinued on for a good 5-10 minutes. Pretty funny little boy!

Tonight, Daddy tried it again. I didn't know if Nolan would remember.
"Tah-Dah!!" said Daddy......and, to my surprise, Nolan starts smiling, and tips right on back!! Haaa!!! Good memory little man! Very cute! ...This time we got some pictures.

Appears that all four of our little Rubys are going to have quite the personalities and a great sense of humor! Mommy sure loves that!

Hi mom, see all these blocks I found :)

Can somebody turn this thing on?

Wait for it......



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