Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nibbling Net

Well, I think I found out how to get Nolan to eat. Just put the food in the baby net. I'm not sure exactly what this thing is called, but we used it for Gabby when she was a baby too. It is a small net, with a handle on the end. You use it to put food in, so babies can chew it up and eat it, without choking on it.

Gabby was eating strawberries on Saturday and asked Nolan if he wanted one. "No", I said, "Nolan can't have that yet.".......then I remembered the net! So we took it out and put a few berries in it for him. He loved it! He chewed on it and sucked out all the juice, and then handed it to me for more! He did this about 3 times before he decided he was done.

Gabby had to have a try too. She thought it looked like quite a fun treat, so of course, she had to climb up on the counter and take it from him. "Mine." She said.
"Mmm, strawberries." Funny girl!

hmmmm...let me think about this a minute


Huh, not to bad.

Think I'll have some more.

Mommy, she took that.


Aren't I funny!!

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