Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nolan: 10 months

Wow! How time flys! Someone asked me at work today: "How is your little baby doing? How old now?"....."He is good," I replied..."But already 10 months, not really so 'little' anymore!" I can't believe it! In only 2 months you will be 1 year old!

It's mommy's b-day tomorrow and I was just thinking that last year on my b-day I was pregnant, anticipating your arrival in a few months! My friends at work made me a 'healthy' b-day treat of homemade carmel dip with apples and popcorn. To remember the day...they made them again for me this year! (Thanks Jodi!) :)

Oh my little No-boy! You contine to be such a happy, easy-going boy! You are so patient and loving. Always quick to smile at a loved one, and starting to be shy to those you don't know. You hide your face on mommy's shoulder. So cute :)

You have the funniest faces! I can't even explain your funny face, and have yet to catch it on camera! You really have to see it to truly enjoy it!

Your biggest accomplishment at 10 months: You now know how to go to sleep on your own. This is great....but a little sad for mommy at the same time. It's nice to be able to lay you and Gabby down and leave the room, let you both fall asleep on your own (after some jumping, talking, reading and playing). But I do miss our cuddle time, our quiet. When sissy would be in bed already and the boys downstairs with Daddy, you and I used to cuddle and enjoy the alone time. Bittersweet I guess! I just have to take every chance I can to cuddle you during the day now.

The thing you love most about being 10 months is: Table Food!! YUM! You have been starting to eat more and more table food and less baby food. This makes for a messy Nolie at times, but boy it sure is fun! And tasty too!

You still love to play outside, play kitchen, and push around the walking toys. (when Gabby will allow you to have one) You also just discovered you can reach the computer keyboard and push buttons (why is that so fun?!)

Thank you for being my cute funny No-boy! Love you!


Big Boy!



Mom, get that paper outta here. I know I'm 10 months already.

Gabby, can I drive?

Sissy taking me for a four wheeler ride!

Hold on Nolie!

Go Fast!!

Messy Face!

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