Thursday, August 4, 2011


Happy Birthday to my sweet little big Angel!!

When Gabby was just a baby, our neighbors, the Bauers, came up with this nickname: "Gabbitude" Boy, what a perfect fit for this girl! To this day, I still use that nickname, but it has mostly been shorten to "Tudes" or "Tuders"

I can't believe she is 3 already! Time goes by so fast! And I have to say that I am so proud of my "little" girl for doing so great with her potty training, just in time for her birthday!! Hip Hip Horray!

Today Gabby discovered that having a birthday is fun! Lots of attention! She brought treats to daycare to share and came home with presents! She got a musical book and coloring book from Kim and a blue stuffed cow from her friends Devin and Clara! Thank you so much everyone!! The cow has been named Benny and went to bed with Gabby tonight. "I not cry tonight," she said, "I hold Benny tight." She also received a special phone call from her cousins Erica and Morgan tonight, they called to sing Happy Birthday! So cute!

How old are you Gabby?

For her b-day this year, Gabby got a new big girl bike! She was very excited! The first few trys were a little drama filled, (she kept pushing the peddles backward instead of forward). She told me she wanted a different bike. You just have to keep trying I told her! She did....and within a few hours she was biking round the driveway all on her own! Yeah!!

Big Girl Bike

It's not working


A little help to get started

Gabby also got some fishies of her very own! The tank has special color changing bulbs, so it is really cool she says! The fishies have been named "Gum" and "Goldfish".

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone! Gabby is super excited about her party on Saturday! (thanks uncle Wayne for sharing your birthday and letting Gabby have her party that day)

1 comment:

  1. Jill- I just love your posts! You do such an excellent job writing/commenting and recapturing the moments! Love it!

    And I hope Gabby is ready to share that big bike of hers on Saturday as I have two (maybe three) little girls that are going to want to ride it!!!
