Sunday, June 26, 2011

Uncontrollable Laughter

There are only a handful of people in this world that can make me laugh so hard I cry. My sisters: Katie and Tammy, I remember numerous times growing up where we laughed so hard we cried. My best friend from middle/high school: Heather, whom I do not see enough. My sister in law: Katie. My favorite co-worker Krissi, and of course my husband and my kids. This last time it was my awesome daughter Gabby.

The other night Gabby was looking for something. I was busy trying to wrangle Nolan for a diaper change, so I told her to go ask Daddy. I already knew what she was looking for, and knew exactly how it was going to come out.

"Daddy? Where my other cock?"

{a pause}


{a giggle on my end}

"Where my other COCK?"

{another pause, I'm cracking up at this point}


Insert uncontrollable laughter from me. I'm laughing so hard I have tears rolling down my face, and have yet to change Nolans diaper.

Gabby decides at this point that Daddy can't help her, so she comes back to me. "Go, ask, Kody" I manage to say.

"Ok. Kody, where my other cock?"

Shocked face, pause...."your WHAT?" laughter, and walks away

"Urgh." says Gabby "My COCK!" now, I am seriously rolling on the floor, crying and having a hard time breathing. I think the funniest part is that niether of them could figure out what she was looking for.

Have you???

Her cRocks!

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