Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I would love to update my blog....

....But I can't find my camera. See I took this really cute picture of Gabby and Nolan sleeping together (for those of you on Facebook, you already know Gabby climbed up into Nolans crib and they slept together)....they did this for 3 nights actually, and it was so cute. So, I got a picture of them and the next morning Gabby looked at it. She would not let anyone else see the picture. Even Daddy. I have never seen the camera again. Hmmmm.....where could it have gone?

We have looked everywhere. I mean EVERY WHERE. In every toy box, in every bag/purse, in every bedroom, in every bathroom. In every drawer, cupboard and every hiding place we could think of. I am convinced it it gone. Total bummer. There were alot of picures on that camera. I'm also bumming because I have missed taking lots of great new photos while that camera is MIA. hmmph....

Well, let me tell you a little of what we have been up to.

We have 2 new babies in our lives.

AUBREY MARIE LITSCHKE (insert future picture here) born March 7, 2011
Aubrey is our sweet little neice from Bryans side of the family (Bryan's younger sister Katie). She is super cute and super sweet and we are happy to have her! Aubrey has 2 big brothers Jaden and Colten.

MAXWELL DAVID BAUER (insert picture here) born March 26, 2011
Max is our newest little neighbor, born to our good friends Eric (Ted) and Amber.
His big brother Will is Gabby's buddy. We are excited to have another little friend on the street (althought we think a girl would have been nice!)..;) Gabby is still the only girl on the block!

The other photo op that I missed out on was Gabby's new Four Wheeler. She has outgrown her little four wheeler from Aunty Katie and we have been looking to get her a new, bigger one for this summer. My sister Tammy found one at the MOMS sale and picked it up for us! (Thanks again Tammy!) ....Gabby loves it! She was so excited to see she got a new big four wheeler. She was a little hessitant to ride it the first time, but once she got on, she was good to go. Now she just needs to learn how to steer. :) She will have to get some pointers from her buddies Collin and Will. She can't wait for them to come over and ride four wheelers with her!

Well....someday, when I find my camera. I'll be sure to share some pictures with you.

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