Monday, May 24, 2010

Rolie Nolie Polie Olie!

I'm sure getting good at this rolling thing! So fun! I have also learned to scoot and can push myself backward across the floor. Now I can work my way around the room, without any help!! Only bad thing, is that now I am rolling over in my sleep, and then waking up cuz I don't like to sleep on my back :(
Makes for lots of night wakings for me and mom :(
Hopefully soon I will learn how to just roll back over and go back to sleep on my own!! Until then, I will keep practicing!

I started WAY over here by this blue toy...and ended up WAY over here!! Look
at me go!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Little Mommy

Looks like someone is going to be a great mommy someday, wouldn't you agree? She is already practicing "pumping". Thanks for helping me feed Nolie!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Something is fishy!

This weekend we headed down to the camper with Papa and Grandma. The big boys spent the night...but Bryan and I and the "littles" just went for the day. Bryan wanted to do some fishing with the boys...and turned out Gabby enjoyed it just as much as the boys did! This girl is not afraid of anything! Whenever someone caught a fish she jumped right in there and had to hold it! Fishy!!!! So cute right?! (eww says mom!) I'm glad to see she is not afraid of things and not afraid to get dirty....but also a little sad that my one little princess is not going to be a girly girl :(
Guess I will just have to make sure she is well-rounded and enjoys the boy stuff AND the girl stuff...(like shopping, shoes, purses, and doing hair with mom!)....In any case, fun was had by all and it turned out to be a GREAT weekend! Love this weather!!

Jake's Fish

Kody, on his own dock

The gang: Jaden, Kody, Jakob, Gabby, Bryan & Papa

"I try Kody!"

"I try! I try!"

aaahh....cute Fishy!!

Nolie was so tuckered out he fell asleep chewing on his toy!

Papa and Grandma

Monday, May 10, 2010

Nolan....5 months

Time sure flys! Our littlest Ruby is already 5 months old! Seems like he was just born yesterday! It has been a busy, fun five months! Nolan is turning into quite the character...and appears he will have quite the personality! His newest accomplishment is rolling over. He has rolled both ways (tummy-back and back-tummy)...but has not yet turned it into an everyday event. He is still mastering this skill. Luckily Nolan has a great sister to help him out! Gabby likes to "help" him roll over as much as possible. Thanks Sissy!! Stay tuned for more cute pictures to come! I don't think it will be to much longer before he works at sitting on his own!

Birthday Bowling!

On Saturday we went to Brunswick bowling alley in Lakeville for my neice Kayla's birthday party! It was a lot of fun! We had never been to Brunswick, and it turned out to be a really nice place! There was a game/arcade room, a bar/restaurant and the bowling lanes. The kids had a fun time in the arcarde, and Kody even won this huge mouse within the first 5 mintues! Gabby, Morgan & Erica thought he was a pretty funny mouse!! Jakob won on the kids team. He was super happy about that!! We are planning to go back again some day and invite some friends! It was a fun time!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Busy Weekend

It was a busy weekend for the Rubin family!
First it was a haircut for Nolan..his 1st!! Seems kinda crazy to give a 4 month old a haircut, but it was much needed!

Saturday morning we had soccer for the boys and then off to a party for Jaden's 5th Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!! Cannot believe he is 5 already! We all had a good time hanging out at the Litschke's house. The kids did some playing outside and even got to try out Jaden's new bow. Gabby enjoyed playing with the little turtle..she was most definately not acting girlie! She reached right in and picked it up for all to see! This is one girl not afraid to get messy! By the looks of things, Jaden loved his gifts and had a fun 5th b-day!!

The Birthday Boy!

On Sunday, Jake had his First Communion. We had a special Mass at church and then went back to our house for a celebration. My neice Klaire had her First Communion as well, so we had one big party for them both. I made Tacos (Jake's favorite!) and we had a special "cupcake" cake. Both my family and Bryans family joined us for the day, and our neighbors, the Bauers, stopped over as well. The kids did lots of playing and running around and Jake and Klaire both received some great gifts! We were even able to get a picture of all the "Bishop" grandkids. Thanks everyone for coming to celebrate with us! It was a great day!!