Friday, January 20, 2012


On January 16th the big boys both got braces!!! I knew this time would come at some point (that they would need them)....but didn't really expect that they would have them at the same time.  Kind of expensive for us to have them both go through it at the same time...... but, at least they both have someone to go through the experience with. 

They both did great! No complaints! They both said their mouths have been sore this past week, but seem to both be getting used to them and are feeling better.
They will have them for about 2 years, hopefully they will have straight perfect teeth when its all done!
They sure look different to me!

(these were the best pictures I could get.....boys ya know!)

Jake before

Kody before

Jake after

Kody after (he only got the top ones done so far)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just a little surgery

On New Years Eve someone in our house had to have a little surgery.  Don't be too alarmed, it was just Gabbys doll.  :)    Santa Claus brought her this really nice, cute dolly.  Gabby named her Ella. She came with her own diaper bag, clothes, burp rags and even a bottle. Gabby has played with her just about every day since Christmas. 

However, on New Years Eve day, when Gabby was changing Ella's clothes, something happened.

"Oh No!!"  Gabby said

"What happened to her arm?"

Bryan and I looked and sure enough, Ella's arm had come off and got stuck in the shirt. Poor Ella!
Don't worry Gabby, mommy can fix her.

So I pulled out my needle and thead, and we had a little surgery right on the kitchen counter.

Rest assured, Ella is as good as new!

Thanks Mommy!!


Boo hoo! I'm so sad.  (or trying to be)

Poor Ella!

Surgery tools

Um, you don't look very happy that she is fixed.

Thats better!

Nolan is happy.

All better!!

Thanks mom!