Friday, July 29, 2011

"I have to go potty."

Ok Potty, lets do this. You and me. We can do this.

Since Gabby is almost 3, I decided it was time to really enforce the potty. She has been partially trained for quite a while. She does really well at daycare, telling her when she has to go, and staying dry in her pull up all day at times. But at home, she just likes to go in her diaper. She doesn't want anything to do with the potty. She has gone a few times for me, but we can never get her to be consistant with it.

I decided July 23rd was going to be it. I told Gabby for a few days before hand that on Saturday she was going to wear underwear like a big girl and that she would use the potty like a big girl. No more pull-ups. Mommy is not buying anymore.

She said ok. Said she wanted to wear underwear like mommy and like Erica and Morgan. (yeah right, I thought to myself)

So, Saturday morning when we got up we ditched the pull-ups and she wore underwear. She did ok most of the morning. I kept asking her if she had to go, and to tell me when she had to go. She did ok that day. Four successes on the potty and about 3 accidents. I figured this was ok for our first day.

Sunday seemed to go backward. She peed on the floor right away, and continued to have more accidents. I think she had about two successes and more like 5-6 accidents. (Good thing we have hard wood floors)...URGH!

On Monday I told her she had to go to daycare with underwear. I sent along 4 extra pairs of shorts and undies and fully expected to pick her up wearing different clothes. Boy was I shocked when I got there at pick up and she was wearing the same clothes. "She did great!" Kim said. :) She told her (or Clara, a friend at daycare) everytime she had to go. They even walked to the park, played and walked home and Gabby held it the whole time!! YAY! I thought! She is going to do this nice and easy.


"Do you have to go potty?" That night, she had four accidents between 5:30 and 7:30. "Do you have to go potty?" Each time peeing on the floor in the house and then she started thinking it was funny. "Do you have to go potty?" Running around, laughing about it. Bryan and I did not think it was so amusing. "Do you have to go potty?" (annoying yet? I think Gabby thought so)

The next day, she did great at daycare again. This is good at least, I think. At least she is not peeing on Kim's floor.
That night, we decide to try a different tactic. We will not ask her if she has to go. We will not talk about it. We will not remind her every 15 minute that she should go. We do not talk about it. AT ALL.

She does great. (WHAT??).... She tells me at dinner she has to go. Then before we go outside to play I say "I have to go potty before I go out." and she says "Me Too!!" So we go, and thats it.

She has continued to do great since. She did have an accident Thursday night when her friend Will was over to play, but I think that is just because they were busy playing and she forgot.

Hoping this is it! So proud of my girl!!!
And happy that I don't have to buy pull-ups all the time anymore. She still wears them at night, but that's ok!

Goodbye pull-ups!!

Hello underwear!!

Such a big girl now!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


To Hot for.......

Shirts. It was sooo way to hot last week. So Gabby and Nolan decided to go without shirts. That's how we roll in the country.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A big package

Yes, I know. We are behind. It has been almost 1 month since I posted last. What can I say? We have been busy enjoying our summer. Between work, 4 kids and Bryan starting his own business.....there just has not been time for blogging. So.... lets catch up a bit:

Kody's bike almost a month ago :)
It came in a BIG box....

(and another reason I haven't takes FOR. EV. ER. to upload pictures!! Urgh!!.....and, blogger used to post the pictures in the opposite order you selected them, but now it doesn't. So the last picture was meant to be at the top.

Oh well! Enjoy! I'm going to watch a movie with my family :)